First Goal Onederland!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Weigh In - 2

I just wanted to post my weigh in results real quick. My weight this morning was 205.2. That is down 5.6 pounds from last week. I am very excited!!!! I have a mini goal of 199 by my birthday on the 25th of January so hopefully I can keep up the hard work and get onederland for a birthday present.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Weigh In - 1

I forgot to post my weigh in yesterday. My starting weight is 210.8 Yuck!!!! I am only 5ft2!!!!!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

2010 Resolutions

Happy New Year!!!! Wow I can't believe it is a new year and a new decade. I really want 2010 to be a great year and I know that I have the power to do that. So I guess I need to post my resolutions. First of all I want to say that I am not going to make a resolution to lose weight. Every year for at least the last 10 years I have made a resolution to lose weight and sometimes I have succeeded but more times I have failed. So instead I am making resolutions that I hope will help me lose weight. So here they are in no particular order. Southern Girl's 2010 Resolutions!!!!!!

  1. Take a Multi Vitamin Every Day
  2. Keep a food journal of everything I eat (Goal of 1200 cals a day)
  3. Exercise at least 3 times a week
  4. Drink 60-80 ounces of Water a day
  5. Do not give up on my goal just because of a bad meal or day or week
  6. Blog my weight EVERY Monday (Free Pass if I am sick or out of town)

I also have to remember that this is about being healthy and feeling good. Not about the number on the scale. I am going to weigh in every Monday so I will be posting my starting weight tomorrow. I have not gotten on the scale in awhile but I feel like I am somewhere between 210 and 215. Not very nice for someone that is 5ft2.